INVESTING: Dairy Goats Farming in Kenya

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INVESTING: Dairy Goats Farming in Kenya

Dairy goat farming is increasingly gaining popularity particularly in the high potential areas where land for dairy cows is diminishing. The smaller land sizes cannot support dairy cattle, making the dairy goat a better option.

Like the dairy cow farming, dairy goat farming requires proper and careful selection of breeds in order to yield good results.

Dairy Goats Breeds in Kenya.


The Alpine breed goats are medium to large in size and are hardy and adaptable animals thriving in many climates. They are excellent foragers and have good jumping ability.

They have a varied coat colour with shades of grey, brown, black, redbuff and combinations. They have a pronounced mane in both male and female. They may or may not have horns.

The goat is bred for milk with average milk yield ranging from 2.5-4lts subject to levels of management.

The Female weighs from 50-60kgs while bucks weigh 65-80kg. The female ranges in height from and the male 80-90cm when mature.


The Anglo-Nubian goat is a large goat with a Roman nose and pendulous ears that hang low and close to the head. Anglo-Nubian goats are most often black, red, or tan.

The Nubian breed of domestic goat was developed in England during the 19th century by crossing native stock with goats from India and North Africa.

Anglo-Nubian goats are multi-purpose animals bred for milk, meat, and hides. They don’t produce an especially large volume of milk, but their milk is higher in butterfat and more flavorful than that of other breeds. It is good for making cheese. Because their breeding season is longer than that of most dairy goats, Nubian goats can produce milk almost year-round. They are particularly tolerant of arid, hot conditions.

As it is the best suited of the dairy goat breeds to hot conditions, the Anglo Nubian has been used in grading-up programs in many tropical countries to increase the milk and meat production of local breeds.

Toggenburg goat.

There are two breeds of Toggenburg one originating from Switzerland and the other one from Britain. The British breed is bigger than the Swiss breed with the female of the British type weighing up to 70kg and bucks up to 100 kg.

With Swiss type, the female weights are in the range of 50kgs with bucks up to 70 kg. They are brown or greyish brown in colour with distinctive white stripes on the face and legs. They may be horned or naturally polled. Horns in male are long and curving back. They may have toggles (tassels) or not.

Toggenburgs have a decided personality and character, are very alert and extremely active. They are very gentle and quiet in temperament. As a breed, they tend to group together and respond well to training.They have a long body and seem bony. They are bred for milk with average milk yield of 1-3lts per day depending on management.

The breed is suited for the higher cooler regions where heat stress is not a problem and good quality fodder is freely available.

Toggenburgs do not generally produce as much milk as the Saanen breed but have consistently good udders and are known for their persistent milk production over long periods. Fat yield is usually between 3% and 4%.


This is the milk queen in the goat world. The Saanen is a Swiss breed which originated in the Saane Valley. It is now the most popular dairy goat breed in many countries.

The coat is all white or all cream and the hair is generally short and fairly fine although some may have longer hair along the spine, hindquarters, or both. Horns may or may not be present at birth. The ears are generally pointed and erect and the head is usually lightly structured.

The breed is sensitive to excessive sunlight and performs best in cooler conditions. The provision of shade is essential

Saanen does are heavy milk producers and usually yield between 3% and 4% fat. Under good management it produces 3-5 litres of milk per day depending on management.

Dairy Goats multiply fast, kidding twice a year often producing twins or triplets. The quality of milk and the prices are higher than a cow’s milk.


Identify a good breeding male goat which has no deformities, with two well-developed testicles, strong feet and legs, good body condition and high libido. Libido is observed by the ability of the male to vigorously detect and mate with females on heat. These qualities will ensure successful mating.

One male is needed for every 25 females. This male can be communally owned provided sexually transmitted diseases and other communicable diseases such as brucellosis are controlled.

Mate females two months after kidding. Introduce a male and leave it with the female goats for 2 to 3 weeks. If possible mate all your female goats at the same time to ensure kids are born at the same time and therefore ease management.

Breed females when in good body condition. Select those with a soft udder, two functional teats and strong teeth and legs. Manage reproduction ensuring that first mating should be about 16 months of age because breeding too early can result in weak kids and stunted females.

On average birth occurs 150 days after mating. Watch your goat closely one week before kidding in case of any problems.

Replace breeding animals at 9 years of age or earlier if they fail to become pregnant. Organize for a periodic male exchange program to prevent inbreeding.

Rearing the kids.

Ensure the newborn kid suckles immediately after birth. The goat’s first milk helps protect the kid from diseases, gets its digestive system working and is especially nutritious. Disinfect the umbilical cord immediately after birth with iodine solution or diluted disinfectant to avoid infection. House both mother and kid in a dry, well-ventilated and secure house.

Allow half to one litre of milk per day for the kid, depending on size. Wean at 3 months.

Introduce kids to roughage (chopped Napier grass, maize stover) by the second week and supplements (0.25 kg per day) by the fourth week.


You require only a half hectare of Elephant (nappier) grass (penisetum puperum) to support five dairy goats.

Establish a source of fodder by planting or buying fodder locally. Fodder should make the bulk of goat feed. Supplement feeds such as Legume species commonly used as pasture or fodder in Kenya like Calliandra, Leucaena, Desmodium, grains and milling by-products, minerals, and molasses provide essential nutrients, such as protein, energy and minerals, to support milk production. If possible grow fodder shrubs around the edges of the plot. The fodder should be able to last a whole year.

Other feeds include maize stover, sweet potato vines, banana peels and weeds. Preserve feeds when in surplus in form of Hay, dried fodder legumes, leaves and maize stover.

Controlling internal and external parasites.

Deworm all adults before mating, all females 2 weeks before kidding, kids at weaning (3 months of age), and all animals before the start of the rainy season.

Use recommended sprays, pour-ons and powders to control external parasites such as Fleas, ticks, mites and lice.


Vaccinate goats against highly contagious disease goat pneumonia (CCPP), pregnant females against pulpy kidney and tetanus 2 to 3 weeks before kidding and vaccinate kids at 6 months of age.

Vaccinate against orf (scabby mouth disease) at 2 months of age. Orf can affect goat handlers therefore wear protective clothing, such as overalls, when handling your goats and wash your hands well with soap and water afterwards.


Local markets are readily available for goat’s milk. Obtain market information on demand for goat’s milk or create demand by telling people about benefits of goat’s milk. Try local hospitals, children’s homes and individual households.

You can make added-value products such as cheese, maziwa mala or yoghurt.

You can also sell goats for profits which are currently very marketable and high in demand.

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